Building effective teams

Kenton and Charlotte Bennett from our strategic dairy farm Perry Farm were joined by people manegement expert Paul Harris of Real Success Ltd as they aim to build an effective farm team whilst maintaining their high standards of animal welfare. 

The essential elements of team building

Paul started by explaining that he only works within agriculture and helps farmers to recruit, engage, align and leas teams successfully.

The session covered three core areas of team building:

  1. Recognise
  2. Recruit
  3. Retain

1. Recognise

Paul recommended that we recognise the external factors that impact the farm and in turn our staff, such as weather conditions, milk prices, COVID and Brexit. 

People all have different personality types and we should understand how to flex and tailor our communications to each type.

Profiling your team enables you to better understand people's behaviour and match people who will work well together.

2. Recruit

There are seven key elements to successful recruitment including establishing your staffing need, writing a job description and person specification, advertising. profiling, interviewing and references, offering and onboarding.

When advertising utilise different channels to reach potential staff including local papers, farming publications, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, village noticeboards and importantly word of mouth. Paul recommended Indeed as one of the most cost-effective ways of recruitment advertising if your budgets are low.

Explain the benefits of your local area in your recruitment advertisements, especially if you are offering housing.

3. Retain

Be positive, talk positive and stop complaining and start retaining. 

Consider your environment including what the farm looks like, its toilet facilities, a warm and safe rest room, your housing, and work clothing.

Clearly communicate your vision, why they people need to be doing things and show gratitude and rewards when they get this right. 

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