Field Vegetables

27 July 2021

Learn how to identify and control the beet cyst nematode.

27 July 2021

Free-living nematodes can affect crops including carrots, potatoes and sugar beet causing yield reductions and reducing crop quality.

27 July 2021

Learn how stem nematodes affect crops, including alliums, cereals, field beans and sugar beet.

3 August 2021

Learn about the root knot nematode and its effects on sugar beet.

27 July 2021

Find out how to identify and manage pea cyst nematodes.

27 July 2021

Find out about the species in the soil pest complex and how to manage them.

27 July 2021

Learn how to identify and control the two-spotted spider mite.

28 April 2021

Use this database to check the impact of different active ingredients in plant protection products on beneficial insects

28 April 2021

Sowing flowering seed mixes in field margins or other areas of farmland can support Integrated Pest Management efforts.

28 April 2021

This page shows you how to choose and prepare farmland sites for flowering seed mixes and how to maintain them sustainably.

28 April 2021

Although a range of flowering plant seeds may be included in all flowering seed mixes, selecting a mix at random won’t necessarily give you the results you want for your crops.

28 April 2021

Adding non-crop floral resources to farmland can have many benefits for pollinators and natural pest enemies as well as for growers.
