Beef & Lamb

22 August 2019

18 September 2018

13 March 2024

Angie Miley Staff Bio

14 September 2018

28 November 2023

The conserved forage requirements and stocks calculator can be used to calculate feed demand by entering livestock numbers and available feed supply.

29 August 2024

Updated results from the RamCompare project have seen a re-ranking of some rams based on their carcase weight estimated breeding values (EBV).

17 August 2018

Despite additional hectares of straw being made available by cereal growers, there is still likely to be a shortage due to lower yields and an increased requirement for feeding. This factsheet explains the importance of assessing your straw needs and planning for any deficit.

15 August 2018

This year the weather has reached highs and lows, both in terms of temperature and rainfall

8 August 2018

This article by our Market Intelligence team looks into the impact of the heatwave on ewe feed usage.

7 August 2018

Lamb producers must pull together to change tradition and put lamb back on plates all year round

8 August 2018

Insight into how the drought affects cattle feed usage.

6 August 2018

Agricultural organisations from England, Scotland and Wales are uniting in a new initiative which will see them work together to communicate the benefits of red meat in a balanced diet as part of a reinforced meat and health programme
