Beef & Lamb

12 September 2019

Grazing spring calving suckler cows

27 May 2020

In warm or bright conditions, when there is heat and light intensity, calves are at risk of heat stress. During these periods, energy is used to lose heat from the body by sweating and increasing respiratory rate.

31 August 2023

Stay up to date with all the latest dairy market information with news and key analysis from our industry experts

31 August 2023

Stay up to date with all the latest dairy market information with news and key analysis from our industry experts

14 December 2023

Stay up to date with all the latest pork market information with news and key analysis from our industry experts

23 July 2019

A guide to essential facts and figures from the sheep industry in the previous 12 months, including livestock numbers, slaughterings, production, consumption, meat prices, imports and exports, abattoirs, auction markets and carcase classification (published July 2019)

23 July 2019

A guide to essential facts and figures from the cattle industry in the previous 12 months, including livestock numbers, slaughterings, production, consumption, meat prices, imports and exports, abattoirs, auction markets and carcase classification (published July 2019)

24 July 2019

Love Lamb Week 2019 kick-starts the second phase of our £1.4 million lamb marketing campaign, which highlights its delicious flavour.

22 February 2024

Farm animal post mortem report template

22 February 2024

Farm animal post mortem report example

19 July 2019

When assessing the effect of a No Deal Brexit on UK beef and sheepmeat trade, the change in tariffs and TRQs need to be a key consideration.

22 July 2019

New report reveals the full extent of Brexit’s potential implications for British beef and lamb supply chains
