Beef & Lamb

13 July 2021

The European Commission has published its latest outlook for the EU agriculture sector.

9 March 2020

Beef from the UK could soon be heading to America after government officials agreed the next step of an export deal worth around £66 million over the first five years.

20 October 2023

Top tips to minimise leaf losses and maintain a high protein content.

3 February 2023

A range of guides and reports related to Direct Selling of Beef & Lamb

14 July 2021

It’s been a few months since we released our outlook for beef production in the UK. Let’s now have a look at the first couple of months to see how it’s faring.

13 July 2021

The total number of breeding ewes recorded in England at the 1 December 2019 was steady year-on-year.

13 July 2021

During the week ending 4 March, the GB OSL liveweight SQQ increased 3.5p, to 238.39p/kg.

14 July 2021

GB prime cattle prices were steady in the week ending 29 February.

4 March 2020

In the 12 weeks to 26 January, the latest Kantar data shows retail sales of beef and lamb fell in both volume and value terms, compared to a year earlier.
