
26 July 2021

Cutworms, the larvae of various moth species, damage many horticultural crops, as well as potatoes and sugar beet.

27 July 2021

Free-living nematodes can affect crops including carrots, potatoes and sugar beet causing yield reductions and reducing crop quality.

27 July 2021

Find out about the species in the soil pest complex and how to manage them.

27 July 2021

Find out how to identify and encourage rove beetles in field crops.

27 July 2021

Learn about the life cycle and identification of soldier beetles, as well as how to encourage them.

27 July 2021

Ladybirds commonly eat aphids and scale insects and are important for biocontrol.

27 July 2021

Learn how to encourage flower and pirate bugs, damsel bugs and assassin bugs.

27 July 2021

Learn about the biology and benefits of encouraging centipedes.

27 July 2021

Learn how to identify and encourage robber flies.

27 July 2021

Learn about the identification and life cycle of long-legged flies.

27 July 2021

Balloon and dagger flies can predate many field pests, including aphids and thrips.

27 July 2021

Dance flies are predators of aphids and midges and can be encouraged in field crops.
