
28 September 2020

AHDB supported a panel discussion with the British Grassland Society (https://www.britishgrassland.com/), on practical advice for establishing herbal leys in 2021 and beyond. The panel will included Kate Still, Soil Association and FAB farmers facilitator, Robert Thornhill, dairy farmer and Nuffield Scholar and Dafydd Parry Jones, organic beef and sheep farmer and Farming Connect mentor.

28 September 2020

During lockdown we saw an increase in the number of shoppers using milkmen.

28 September 2020

28 September 2020

Consumers are using many tactics in store and at home to save money.

28 September 2020

In this article we take a look at how continuity deals have developed in the last 12 months and how the release of the new UK Global Tariff (UKGT) has affected these developments.

25 September 2020

Quality 12 ME silage is like having concentrates in the clamp – so rations need to cut concentrate levels accordingly if you want to boost milk from forage production this winter

9 November 2020

It is important to make sure that you have the right people in your business to help you build resilience and ultimately reach your farm business goals.

18 January 2021

In the agriculture sector, poor mental health is one of the biggest threats to the industry and the Coronavirus pandemic has certainly tested and provided more challenges than ever before.

20 October 2020

Join us on this webinar to explore how data can help decision making and maximise the performance of growing heifers on your farm.

14 October 2020

Strategic farm: learn how to select the right genetics for an autumn block calving herd.

27 October 2020

This webinar is an event for academics looking to learn more about AHDB
