Beef & Lamb

23 May 2019

Maintaining optimum soil pH values in all parts of the field is essential in order to maintain soil quality and health, crop quality and yield. This guidance document explains why soil pH is important and outlines the impact of soil type and texture on pH.

11 August 2023

Short pocketbook with simple steps to assess soil structure

13 June 2019

On all farms sheep have to be moved and handled several times during the year, which can compromise performance if managed badly. This manual gives an insight into a range of sheep behaviours and explains how a system can be designed and operated to handle sheep calmly, safely and efficiently

21 March 2024

Good ewe nutrition is vital for successful flock performance. The feed requirements of ewes vary significantly depending on their stage of production and feeding regimes must take account of this. This manual looks at all the elements of ewe feeding and incorporates the latest thinking on this topic

23 May 2018

Ewe fertility is one of the main drivers underlying the output of a sheep flock. Optimising fertility increases the number of lambs scanned and born, which in turn drives flock profitability. Following the advice in this manual can help sheep producers set and achieve flock targets

23 May 2018

Many external parasites that infest UK sheep flocks can hardly be seen with the naked eye, yet their effects on animal health, welfare and profit can be significant. This manual aims to help farmers to identify sheep parasites and provides information on how to implement effective control strategies

1 March 2024

As the UK sheep industry has become more reliant on pastures grazed only by sheep, dependence on anthelmintics (wormers) has increased. This manual, produced by the Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) group gives an overview of how to control worms effectively and responsibly.

29 May 2024

There are two main challenges for the lamb sector; the first is to maintain the production of high-quality meat and the second is to ensure sheep farming is financially viable. This manual outlines the factors to consider to achieve these aims at every stage of production, from weaning to selection

19 June 2024

The way for sheep producers to maximise returns is to produce and sell the type of sheep buyers really want and are willing to pay for. This manual covers the key issues producers face when marketing prime lambs, from identifying target markets to selecting lambs to market

25 February 2022

Maize silage makes a good feed for cattle and sheep. Our resources have a wealth of information on how to grow and feed maize silage.

28 November 2022

With increasingly tight financial margins in beef and sheep production , minimising the losses of saleable meat and offal is important for the whole supply chain. This manual gives an overview of the conditions that cause rejections at post-mortem inspection and how these conditions can be avoided

23 March 2020

Grass is an important crop and grazed grass is the cheapest feed on farm, yet it rarely earns the respect it deserves as a potentially high-quality, natural ruminant feed. This manual will help producers develop new, more efficient grazing strategies to improve returns for their business
