Beef & Lamb

21 February 2019

Join AHDB Beef & Lamb and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) for this timely workshop on preparation for the lambing season. During the workshop you’ll be able to see the Broom House flock and discuss practical means to increase flock productivity.

15 March 2019

This practical event, run by AHDB, allows you to handle live animals and make your assessment of fat cover and conformation using the EUROP grid. You will then see the same animals on the hook in the chillers and the actual classification so you can compare the assessments made whilst the animals were alive.

1 February 2019

Will you be able to comply with the new chlorate residue levels?

21 February 2019

We’ve looked across sectors and our analysis has highlighted that the sheep industry is potentially very sensitive to a “hard” Brexit. A loss of access to European markets could be very disruptive. Under a hard Brexit the UK is expected to be over supplied with sheep meat. How much depends on how trade between New Zealand and the UK and EU changes due to tariffs put in place. We expect UK prices to decline and EU prices to increase relative to each other, which might lead New Zealand to switch destination to the EU instead of the UK, although there might be a limit to how much it can do this.

26 February 2019

With Brexit on the horizon, there are many uncertainties facing the British beef and lamb industry. Join AHDB Beef & Lamb for this interactive workshop looking at the threats and opportunities of Brexit, how these can be tackled through careful planning and ways in which you can maximise profitability. The workshop will give you the opportunity to talk to like-minded farmers about the things you can control and how to assess your business under the different Brexit scenarios.

20 February 2019

With Brexit on the horizon, there are many uncertainties facing the British beef and lamb industry. Join AHDB Beef & Lamb for this interactive workshop looking at the threats and opportunities of Brexit, how these can be tackled through careful planning and ways in which you can maximise profitability. The workshop will give you the opportunity to talk to like-minded farmers about the things you can control and how to assess your business under the different Brexit scenarios.

20 February 2019

With Brexit on the horizon, there are many uncertainties facing the British beef and lamb industry. Join AHDB Beef & Lamb for this interactive workshop looking at the threats and opportunities of Brexit, how these can be tackled through careful planning and ways in which you can maximise profitability. The workshop will give you the opportunity to talk to like-minded farmers about the things you can control and how to assess your business under the different Brexit scenarios.

19 February 2019

With Brexit on the horizon, there are many uncertainties facing the British beef and lamb industry. Join AHDB Beef & Lamb for this interactive workshop looking at the threats and opportunities of Brexit, how these can be tackled through careful planning and ways in which you can maximise profitability. The workshop will give you the opportunity to talk to like-minded farmers about the things you can control and how to assess your business under the different Brexit scenarios.

18 February 2019

With Brexit on the horizon, there are many uncertainties facing the British beef and lamb industry. Join AHDB Beef & Lamb for this interactive workshop looking at the threats and opportunities of Brexit, how these can be tackled through careful planning and ways in which you can maximise profitability. The workshop will give you the opportunity to talk to like-minded farmers about the things you can control and how to assess your business under the different Brexit scenarios.

30 January 2019

The first wave of AHDB’s Cheeky Beef campaign has brought an additional £1.2 million of retail sales to the thin cut steaks category, according to Kantar Worldpanel’s Consumer Mix Model.

14 October 2024

Share the facts about red meat and nutrition with these useful graphics and messages

14 February 2019

The latest edition of The Bulletin is now available to download. Topics include nutrition, breeding, costings and more.
