Sheep kill remains lower in April

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Continuing the trend recorded so far this year, UK sheep meat production in April dropped. UK lamb slaughter dropped 8% on-the-year to 864,800 head, according to Defra data. Almost without doubt the tight supply of old season lambs in particular will be contributing towards this. Lacklustre grass growth is also likely to be slowing the finishing of the new season lambs. Average lamb carcase weights are marginally up on the year.

Adult sheep kill levels were also subdued, down 7% to 95,200 head. This also continues the trend recorded so far this year. Early indications are that the flock could now be in expansion and this is why adult sheep kill has been reduced so far. Not only is ewe kill down over a fifth in the year-to April compared to the same period of 2020, but the percentage of ewes culled is also down. Typically one would expect between 3.25% and 4% of the breeding flock recorded in December to be culled between January and April. In 2021 only around 2.75% of the December breeding flock have been culled.

By itself, this could just be reflective of the age and health profile of the flock, but the number of old season lambs coming forwards is also lower. Some of the reduction in old season lamb kill is because more were killed before Brexit, but data and anecdotal reports do suggest a slightly higher number could be being kept with the intention of breeding them.

Total sheep meat production stood at 20,600 tonnes for the month, down 5% year-on-year. Strong prices have not drawn additional numbers forwards so far, which does in part suggest they are not there to be drawn out. This is perhaps suggestive that supplies could remain tight for at least May and into June.

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