Pork trade declines during January

Thursday, 16 March 2023


Total pig meat imports for the UK reached just under 60,000t in January 2023, falling 2,100t (3.4%) from December 2022. The volume of pig meat imported has dropped 19,100t (24.1%) from January last year. Shipments from the Netherlands and Germany have seen substantial falls, down 51% (11,600t) and 44% (8,100t) from January 2022 levels, likely a result of lower production and therefore reduced supplies available. There has been growth in imports from Denmark, up 1,100t (8%), Ireland up 880t (19%), and Belgium, up 620t (32%).

Import volumes for all product categories fell between December and January, with the exception of fresh/frozen pork which recorded a marginal increase, up 1.6% (403t). However, year on year imported volumes of fresh/frozen pork fell by 23.4% (7,600t). Sausages was the only product category to record year on year growth in imports, up 2.9% (310t).

bar chart showing volumes of UK pork imports by key product


Total pig meat exports (excluding offal) were down 3,700t (-19.8%) in January compared to December, and fell 3,900 t (-20.7%) from shipments recorded in January last year. Exports to China fell just under 30% (1,900t) on the month, with similar percentage declines seen on exports to Ireland (-940t) and France (-530t). Year-on-year growth looks to have been stronger for EU countries, with shipments having increased between 240-400t to France, Germany, and Ireland. Meanwhile, volumes shipped to China have fallen 2,700t (37%) on the year.

All product categories recorded declines in export volumes between December and January. Volumes of fresh/frozen pork were down just over 3,000t on the month, with bacon, processed pigmeat, and sausages seeing smaller declines in volumes. Year on year, all product categories except fresh/frozen pork have recorded volume growth in exports.  The decline in fresh/frozen pork shipments (-4,600t) outweighed the growth in the other product categories.

bar chart showing volumes of UK pork exports to key destimations

Image of staff member Izzy Shohet

Izzy Shohet

Analyst (Red Meat)

See full bio

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