Liveweight lamb trade falls following pre-Ramadan rush

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Liveweight old season lamb prices have fallen in the past week. Numbers have also fallen back, with market reports suggesting some throughput may now hold off until the end of Ramadan.

In the week ended 21 April, the GB OSL SQQ was 302.3p/kg, a decrease of 10p compared to the previous week. Prices remain 90p above the corresponding week in 2020, as underlying supplies remain tight. At 94,800 head, the total number of lambs coming through GB auction markets was down 20% on the previous week, which seems to have been boosted by an increase in trading after the Easter holidays, and a start-of-Ramandan rush. Prices generally declined more sharply towards the end of the week, with the GB OSL SQQ on Wednesday 21 April standing at 292.9p/kg, down 13p week-on-week.

New season lambs accounted for 13% of auction market throughput in the latest week. The GB NSL SQQ was 338.3p/kg, down nearly 8p on the previous week.

While liveweight prices recorded a decrease, the deadweight market took a different path, with prices rising 33.5p on the week. In the week ending 17 April, the GB OSL SQQ stood at 679.5p/kg, extending the difference compared to last year to over £2. Even though this week was not affected by a bank holiday, estimated slaughter was only 4% higher than the week earlier at 158,000 head. This was also a decrease of 22% on a year earlier

The first GB deadweight NSL SQQ price of the year was published for week ending 17 April. The figure stood at 693.7p/kg.

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