GB pig prices lift yet again

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

By Bronwyn Magee

Finished pig prices continued to climb in the latest week. In the week ending 17 June, the EU-spec SPP lifted 0.78p to average 160.66p/kg. Despite recent gains, prices remain 4.95p below the same week last year, but up 8.46p on the five-year average.

Estimated slaughter fell notably on the week, down 3.7% (6,400 head) on the week before, and 10,700 head less than the same point in 2020. This is the first time slaughter levels have dropped noticeably below year-earlier levels since February. Recent reports have indicated challenges with staffing in processing plants and this may be reflected in the kill level.

All weight bands grew in price, with those weighing between 100 to 104.9kg seeing the largest weekly increase at 1.63p. The average carcase weight stood at 86.34kg, 210g heavier than those seen a week ago.

The EU- spec APP also lifted in the week ending 10 June to average 164.29p/kg, 0.82p more than the week before. The measure is now 4.41p below the price achieved for the same week in 2020. This narrowed the gap compared to the SPP to 4.41p.

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