GB milk deliveries: October milk deliveries surpass expectations
Thursday, 14 November 2024
GB milk deliveries in October are estimated to have totalled 1,029 million litres, up 2.5% compared to the low yields of October 2023. Daily deliveries averaged 33.2 million litres per day.
Production for this year’s milk season so far (April-October) sits at 7,259 million litres. After a steady start to the year, a surge in Autumn production boosted overall output, which means the milk year-to-date is now only down marginally by 0.2% compared to the same period in 2023.
A combination of an attractive milk to feed price ratio, favourable weather and reports of increases in Autumn block calving has benefitted milk volumes, pushing production ahead of forecast. The ground is so good in some areas that many cows are still out, easing pressure on sileage stores for later in the winter.
Farmgate milk prices have been trending upwards since May, as UK wholesale prices have shown significant strength. Recent strength in GDT and tight supplies on the continent are likely to keep farmgate milk prices uplifted over the coming months.
Improved margins are likely to incentivise greater production into Q4. As ever, other factors have relevance to the size of the GB dairy herd, such as strong cull cow prices, and uncertainty of future finances.

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