Fall from peak softens in June

Monday, 6 July 2020

By Kat Jack

GB milk production continued to fall in June, but the fall from the peak slowed down from the second week onwards. GB daily milk deliveries averaged 34.71 million litres in the week ending 27th June, down 0.9% on the previous week. In comparison, daily deliveries in the first week of June (week ending 7th) had fallen 1.9% on the week.  This is likely to have been helped in part by the return of rain to most regions. After a dry May, this wetter weather boosted grass growth in the latter half of the month. 

Effect of milk curbing lingers

The impact of requests from some processors to curb milk production during the flush can still be seen in the data. The gap in production between reducers and non-reducers continues to shrink, but the two groups do not yet appear to have aligned. At current trajectories, it is likely they will not align until late July or perhaps into August. This continued effect was, however, anticipated in our June GB milk production forecast.

Image of staff member Katherine Jack

Katherine Jack

Environment Senior Analyst

See full bio

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