Another strong pig kill in April

Thursday, 13 May 2021

By Bethan Wilkins

At 1.02 million head, UK clean pig slaughter in April remained well above the level in the same month last year, according to the latest Defra figures. The total is 12% higher than in April 2020. This increase is slightly higher than indicated by our original GB weekly slaughter estimates during the month, though reports have indicated strong kill levels, including killing over much of the Easter bank holidays.

The recorded increase represents the strongest slaughter growth of the year so far. In this context, it is encouraging that pig prices still firmed during the month. 

Adding to supply levels, carcase weights for clean pigs remained well above last year’s level. The average weight during April was 87.7kg, 800g lighter than in March but 1.6kg heavier than in April 2020.

Sow slaughter also remained inflated, with 28,100 head slaughtered during the month, 25% more than the year before. This continues a trend seen in the previous couple of months and is at least partially due to previous delays in sow culling due to logistical challenges exporting the carcases to Europe. Considering the poor profitability of pig production recently, it is also plausible that some contraction in the breeding herd may be underway.

These factors all combined to give a substantial 15% rise in pig meat production compared to April 2020, totalling 93,900 tonnes during the month.

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