Transition management in autumn calving herds

Strategic dairy farmer, Phil Kinch, Buscot Wick, has been working hard to ensure a smooth transition period in their autumn calving herd in Oxfordshire.

Phil and herd manager Shane have been working with Hefin Richard of Rumination Nutrition Consultancy, to explore how farmers can optimise the transition period in their herd. Hefin identified four main areas that can have an impact on effective transition: cow; diet; environment; management. Body condition and underlying health issues in cows can impact their ability to transition, while the diet for a dry cow also needs to be carefully balanced to prevent later issues. Space, ventilation and herd management, including group change, management and timing of introductions, can all play a vital role in effective transition.

Before calving, a cow’s immune-system is ‘down-graded’ to help protect the foetus. This can lead to particular problems with infectious diseases; a cow that has transitioned badly is more likely to succumb to post calving diseases. Hefin also emphasised the importance of rumen fill. Premier Nutrition data has demonstrated that rumen fill pre-calving is linked to milk production post calving with a rumen fill score of 3 or above recommended.

Hefin's top tips

  1. Manage body condition score in late lactation.
  2. Maintain body condition score through the dry period.
  3. Maintain dry matter intake through to calving.
  4. Avoid overcrowding on beds and at feed fence.
  5. Protect heifers.
  6. Assess forage base and formulate suitable diet.
  7. See dry period as pre-season training, not a holiday.
  8. Record transition metrics to assess later and plan for the next year.

Further resources

Find out more

  • 00:18:51 - An overview of transition
  • 00:23:50 - Cow factors affecting transition
  • 00:27:05 - Diet factors affecting transition
  • 00:33:42 - Environmental factors affecting transition
  • 00:38:59 - Management factors affecting transition
  • 00:43:33 - Transition and immune function
  • 00:46:11 - Rumen fill
  • 01:05:51 - Transition at Buscot Wick