Somerset: Milk quality and mastitis – Managing udder health on your farm

Past Event - booking closed

Thursday, 13 June 2024

6:45pm - 9:00pm

Castle Cary Rugby Club, Brook House Lane, Station Road, Castle Cary, Somerset


Join us for a meeting jointly hosted by us and Barber’s Farmhouse Cheesemakers.

Understanding mastitis and udder health on farm can lead to more saleable milk, higher milk quality, improved cow welfare and less antibiotic use.

The risk factors leading to poor udder health are unique to each farm so it is important to know how to use the available data to assess your farm and prevent health breakdowns.

James Breen, clinical veterinary consultant with Map of Ag, will join us to discuss:

  • Mastitis, bactoscans and thermodurics
  • Importance of recording clinical event data
  • Clinical mastitis events – where do infections come from?
  • Treatment options
  • What to do when you get home to your herd



