Getting the most from your youngstock

Past Event - booking closed

Tuesday, 02 November 2021

11:00am - 2:30pm

Bridge Farm, Lower Farm Buildings, West Bradley, Glastonbury, Somerset


Join us for an on-farm event to learn how to achieve the best results from your youngstock. 

Strategic dairy farm host, David Cotton, will be joined by Vet Candice Popham, Delaware Vets, who will demonstrate and lead discussion on the critical role of the pre-weaned animal, the benefits of a lower Age at First Calving and the impact this can have on business profitability.  

On the day, David will share his own experiences and how he has increased the performance of his youngstock. The discussion will include: 

  • Calf feed conversion efficiency and feeding rates
  • Calf comfort and environment
  • Growth rates and weight targets
  • Colostrum and common health problems

To assist with biosecurity and conform to government guidelines please ensure outer clothing and vehicles are clean and that clean boots that can be disinfected are worn. Please note children under the age of 16 and dogs are not allowed at the event, even if they are staying in the car. 

Health and Safety guidelines for AHDB Events

About Bridge Farm 

Bridge Farm is owned and operated by David and Lene Cotton in partnership with David's parents. The herd manager, Steve Crowther has been employed for 9 years and Chris Glass, with the business for 18 years, is a general farm worker shared between the dairy business and a friend's arable business. 

The herd is currently made up of 280 pedigree Holstein Fresian, autumn calving cows. Achieving 7932 litres of milk per cow per year with 4.3% fat and 3.47% protein mix, milking twice per day and grazing from April through to October. All replacements are reared at home with an average age at first calving of 25 months. 

Find out more about Bridge Farm

About Strategic Dairy Farms 

Strategic Dairy Farms aim to help farmers learn from each other through regular on-farm meetings where we will share key performance data and showcase what the best farmers are doing. 

They form part of the Optimal Dairy Systems programme which aims to help dairy farmers reduce costs and increase efficiency by focusing on either a tight block or all-year-round calving system. 

The growing network of Strategic Dairy Farms have calculated KPIs for their enterprises which are shared at meetings and published online. These are physical and financial performance measures that are critical to success. Farmers can benchmark their businesses against these KPIs to help identify areas for improvement.  

Follow the programme and find other Strategic Dairy Farms  


If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 01904 771218
