Forage fit for the future: Devon

Past Event - booking closed

29 May 2019

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

West Sherford Farm, Brixton, Plymouth, Devon


Join us for an AHDB Beef & Lamb Strategic Farm meeting hosted by Johnny Haimes at West Sherford Farm in Plymouth. Following on from our winter business management day, this event will provide an update on how marginal gains over the past two years have helped Johnny to produce sustainable beef from forage and improve the profitability of his business.

Grazed forage can be one of the cheapest feeds on farm. So when well managed it has the potential to reduce costs significantly. By focusing on introducing rotational grazing and outwintering, the amount and quality of forage grown and the percentage utilised is increased.

This event cover topics including:

  • How to set up rotational grazing and the infrastructure required
  • When and how to reseed
  • How to feed budget and outwinter cattle successfully

It will also be a great opportunity to discuss the changes Johnny has made to his business over the past year and to gather new ideas to apply to your own business.

To book your place please email or call 01904 771218 so we can plan catering. 

*If you have any special dietary requirements please contact us as soon as possible   

*Please bring clean and disinfectable footwear.


