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EU PiG – Precision production
Browse the pig producer case studies and technical reports, which share best practices in precision production. The producers are EU PiG Ambassadors and winners of the annual EU PiG Grand Prix, who have focused on one of the specific precision production challenges chosen by the industry each year.
A network of experts forming the EU PiG Precision Production Thematic Group consolidates existing industry knowledge and validates the best practice identified through the EU PiG Grand Prix.
This theme is about adopting more innovative technologies and practices to improve productivity.
5S Lean Programme to improve work efficiency
To improve farm work efficiency, a 5S lean programme was developed as an introduction to lean management.
Ambassador: Patrick O'Keeffe, Ireland
Publication date: July 2020
Theme: Precision production
Challenges: Reducing costs
Sustainably produced ABF Rypsiporsas
The calculated carbon footprint (CF) using Rypsiporsas on this farm is lower than that of pigs raised in other parts of Europe with feed containing soybean meal.
Ambassador: Matti Ropilo, Finland
Publication date: July 2020
Theme: Precision production
Challenges: Increasing overall farm sustainability
From pig data to big data
Danish producer Stovgaard is using a data monitoring system to record real-time biological data, including water and feed intake and weights.
Ambassador: Jesper Hansen, Denmark
Publication date: February 2020
Theme: Precision production
Challenges: Dashboard systems/benchmarking
Reducing pig mortality through a high standard of care
Dutch producer, Theo Vernooij, is reducing piglet mortality through a system that focuses on a high standard of care throughout his breeding herd.
Ambassador: Theo Vernooij, Netherlands
Publication date: February 2020
Theme: Precision production
Challenges: Reducing pig mortality
Daily manure removal to reduce emissions
Using a daily manure removal system has improved pig health and growth rates while reducing ammonia emissions for De Hoeve Innovatie’s rearing and finishing business.
Ambassador: Marion Verhoeven, De Hoeve BV, Netherlands
Publication date: June 2019
Theme: Precision production
Challenges: Reducing emissions
Improving young sow retention
Farrow-to-finish producer David Goodier has reduced production costs per piglet by 4.9% through a system which monitors gilts at strategic points during their first cycle
Ambassador: David Goodier, United Kingdom
Publication date: June 2019
Theme: Precision production
Challenges: Increase gilt and sow performance
Clean and accessible water
Improved pig health and productivity, along with lower antibiotic consumption and costs, are the results of using a water purification system and ensuring adequate access to water.
Ambassador: Jens Ole Bladt, Sydals, Denmark
Publication date: August 2018
Theme: Precision production
Challenges: Smart water usage
Routine weighing for accurate feeding
Farmer Aage Lauritzen of Denmark has achieved a 5% increase in daily liveweight gain and reduced total production costs since investing in a weighing system to record growing and fattening pigs’ liveweight on a weekly basis. The information is used to monitor pigs’ growth, so he can compare it with the expected growth and then choose the appropriate feed mix.
Ambassador: Aage Lauritzen, Denmark
Publication date: June 2018
Theme: Precision production
Challenges: Feed management
Technical reports
For more information contact EUPig@ahdb.org.uk
Precision production best practice challenges
Dashboard systems/benchmarking
This project has received funding from the European Union`s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727933.