Contents tagged with sheep

26 September 2023

Optimising the use of footbathing for control and prevention of lameness in sheep

4 January 2022

What really causes footrot in sheep - a national cohort study of the microbial diversity of Dichelobacter nodosus in sheep in sickness and in health

14 January 2022

Brown Stomach worm is the most common species of nematode parasite that infects sheep in the UK

29 July 2021

See our example rations and top tips for feeding maize to ewes or store lambs.

29 July 2021

Find out if feeding maize is suitable for your cattle and see our information on protein supplementation and feeding co-products.

29 July 2021

Maize is a high energy, high starch feed. Read more about how maize compares to grass silage for protein, energy, and dry matter.

29 July 2021

See our information to help understand the feed value of maize silage and maize grain, and some example rations for feeding cattle and sheep.

29 July 2021

Weed control in the first six weeks after sowing is critical to maize performance. Learn more about maize's damaging pests and diseases.

29 July 2021

Find information on the nitrogen, phosphate and potash requirements of maize and avoiding nutrient overload.

29 July 2021

The main factors for choosing a maize variety include maturity, yield potential and feed quality. Read our tips on what to look out for when choosing a variety.

29 July 2021

Read our tips on establishing maize, from cultivating to drilling, and solving any compaction issues.

6 August 2021

Location, soil type, altitude and field aspect should be considered before growing maize. Read about the pros and cons of growing maize under film here.
