Contents tagged with production

30 January 2024

Our June forecast sets production expectations for the season at 12,437 million litres, down 0.7% on 2019/20.

13 July 2021

Overall the disruption and uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to continue for many more months. For a second consecutive year, global meat production is expected to contract.

30 January 2024

May GB milk production totalled 1,138 million litres, 1.9% below May 2019

12 June 2020

Lamb kill production in May had many of the same trends as in April. Numbers forwards were significantly down (-22%) on-the-year, at 766,000 head.

30 January 2024

Milk processing in April saw a shift away from liquid milk and towards cheddar, powders and butter, the latest Defra figures confirm.

30 January 2024

The latest standard litre review shows increased milk quality and farmer size

30 January 2024

GB daily milk deliveries fell 0.9% on the week, for the week ending 16 May 2020

30 January 2024

GB daily milk deliveries for the week ending 9 May averaged 37.01 million litres per day, up 0.4% on the previous week.

13 July 2021

Production took a sharp decline during April to just 21,000 tonnes cwe. UK lamb kill declined 21% (227,800 head) year-on-year, to 835,900 head.

13 July 2021

An uplift in slaughter levels supported UK pig meat production in April.

30 January 2024

The call for some farmers to curb milk production in April reduced overall volumes by an estimated 23 million litres of milk

14 July 2021

The COVID-19 outbreak has introduced a great deal of challenges into the dairy market. Some farmers may cull less profitable, or ‘passenger’ cows to reduce costs and milk production. But what could an increase in culling rates look like, and what would be the impact on the beef supply chain?
