Contents tagged with prices

30 January 2024

October returns for processors making butter and SMP exceeded returns for producing mild Cheddar for the first time in 16 months

30 January 2024

So far this year, UK milk prices have tracked around £0.20 per kg of solids below the average of the main milk producing countries in the EU.

14 June 2024

How much are you spending on feed? Changes in grains, protein and concentrate prices are updated below every month, along with a summary of the markets.

30 January 2024

The price has moved from $6.25-$7.25 to $6.55-$7.55 per kg milksolids (kgMS)

11 November 2019

UK farm-gate milk prices have been slowly reducing over recent months. Here we look at the challenges facing the industry, which vary for different products and supply chains

21 November 2019

Why has the GB prime cattle price been falling since September 2019? News and insights

30 January 2024

The absence of any increase in processor's sales price for milk, combined with falling cream returns, will have reduced overall revenues and margins since the beginning of the year.

30 January 2024

Cheddar prices have been stable, but whey prices are down, affecting processor returns for cheese

30 January 2024

high production is weighing on farmgate milk prices, especially for those supplying the liquid market

18 December 2023

The Corn Returns are the longest running domestic price series for grains. The weekly survey shows the average ex-farm prices for wheat, barley and oats as well as the volume of grain traded. Each week on a Monday, data is published for the purchases made during the previous week (Friday to Thursday) and, under the AHDB Order (2008), it is mandatory for buyers of more than 1,000 tonnes of UK grown cereals a year to provide information.

26 January 2023

The weekly international grain price survey helps identify how global markets are reacting to market drivers. Moves in these markets can impact upon global market sentiment and therefore upon the UK market. The information is collected from a selection of industry sources and show the price of grains and oilseeds for export. The prices are mainly quoted as "Free on Board" which means they show the cost of grain and loading, though a few of the prices indicated include insurance and freight. The latest weekly information is published on a Monday.

27 June 2024

Our experts look at how the beef market is expected to perform, using the latest available data
