Contents tagged with prices

21 July 2022

GB liveweight NSL SQQ prices dropped slightly in the week ending 20 July to average 288.1p/kg

21 July 2022

In the week ending 16th July, the GB EU-spec SPP rose by 1.98p to 193.09p/kg. While prices maintain their upward trend, they are still estimated to be below current cost of production.

15 July 2022

GB liveweight NSL prices stood at 294.31p/kg in the week ending 13 July

13 July 2022

The GB EU-Spec SPP rose 2.23p in the week ending 9 July, to 191.11p/kg.

12 July 2022

The price of sows in key EU member states have been steadily dropping over the past two months, with the exception of France.

7 July 2022

For the week ending 6 July, the GB liveweight NSL SQQ stood at 317.54/kg, over 15p/kg above the previous week.

16 June 2022

In the week ending 15 June, the GB liveweight NSL SQQ averaged 309.1p/kg, down 22.9p from the week before

15 June 2022

The EU spec SPP rose in the week ending 11 June to 183.10p/kg

8 June 2022

The average deadweight all prime cattle price stood at 440.0p/kg in the week ending 4 June, up 1.8p on the week previous, just in time for the Jubilee celebrations.

25 May 2022

In the week ending 21 May, the EU spec SPP increased by 3.19p to 175.95p/kg

25 May 2022

In the week ending 21 May, the average deadweight prime cattle price was 438.7p/kg, steady on the week previous (+0.1p).

19 May 2022

In the week ending 18 May, liveweight lamb prices declined with the OSL SQQ dropping 13.7p, to 255.6p/kg
