Contents tagged with meat quality

3 June 2024

Find out about meat safety and eating quality, from preventing zoonosis, to avoiding boar taint.

18 January 2022

Effects of slaughter method on carcass and meat characteristics in the meat of cattle and sheep

18 January 2022

Reducing waste in the beef and lambs supply chains

18 January 2022

Clostridium botulinum and shelf life

18 January 2022

Optimizing post slaughter treatments for mutton quality

18 January 2022

Investigation of the variation of lamb meat quality on three winter finishing systems

18 January 2022

Evaluation of the pH fall in English lamb abattoirs

18 January 2022

chicory and lamb flavour

18 January 2022

Plant based strategies to improve the nutritional value of beef for the consumer

18 January 2022

NIR hyperspectral imaging to predict beef quality

18 January 2022

Head meat contamination

18 January 2022

Dry aging consists of placing unpackaged meat in a chiller under controlled temperature, humidity and airflow
