Contents tagged with liver fluke

3 October 2018

Liver fluke, a common parasite, which is growing in prevalence across the UK, is having significant implications for the productivity of the UK’s agricultural sector.

5 November 2021

Diseases in the UK cattle industry account for huge losses and are a major welfare concern. This publication highlights some of the major conditions affecting the beef industry. It provides insight into the main symptoms and risk factors, alongside the most effective prevention and treatment protocols

3 June 2019

With farmers facing significant livestock losses from liver fluke, AHDB Beef & Lamb and Moredun Research Institute are acting to help improve understanding and develop effective control methods.

19 June 2024

The way for sheep producers to maximise returns is to produce and sell the type of sheep buyers really want and are willing to pay for. This manual covers the key issues producers face when marketing prime lambs, from identifying target markets to selecting lambs to market

28 November 2022

With increasingly tight financial margins in beef and sheep production , minimising the losses of saleable meat and offal is important for the whole supply chain. This manual gives an overview of the conditions that cause rejections at post-mortem inspection and how these conditions can be avoided
