Contents tagged with heifers

12 March 2021

Find out how to prevent mastitis infections in heifers through environment management and optimised husbandry. 

12 March 2021

Find out how to treat mastitis in heifers, including what treatments to avoid. 

12 March 2021

Find out how to treat and manage mastitis in heifers, as well as how to optimise your heifer management and prevent environmental infection.

26 May 2021

Calculating energy requirements for dairy calves

15 September 2022

Identifying the pattern of mastitis on your farm allows control measures to be focused on where they will be most effective.

24 October 2023

Monitoring and recording mastitis in cows

18 December 2024

Our easy to follow process to help identify and control patterns of mastitis in your herd

29 July 2019

A combination of dairy breed and management experience means that this year’s crop of heifer calves has picked up the grazing habit easily on the Dalton’s Derbyshire farm. The spring-born replacements are destined for the family’s 500-cow herd, milked once a day.

16 February 2021

Replacement heifers contribute to the new genetic make-up, cost structure and productivity of the suckler herd. This manual provides advice on sourcing, selecting and managing replacement heifers so they can become productive members of the breeding herd
