Contents tagged with crop
20 October 2023
It is vital to control weeds, pests and diseases in a lucerne stand to avoid yield reductions and to prolong the lifespan of your crop.
20 October 2023
We look at the factors affecting the nutrient requirements of lucerne.
20 October 2023
Find out when and how to sow lucerne seeds for successful establishment.
20 October 2023
Factors to consider when selecting a variety and preparing a seedbed.
5 May 2020
Grow alone or in a mixture? Find out what your options are for growing lucerne.
26 October 2023
Is lucerne suitable for your farm? This series helps you decide, exploring costs of establishment and choosing suitable sites to grow it.
16 January 2025
Through the course of the growing season, the weather is hugely influential in getting crops into the best condition for producing optimal yields. AHDB report through the winter and spring on the condition of crops, pest and disease pressures and weather patterns highlight areas of concern and where crop growth is optimum.