Contents tagged with conformation
12 July 2021
Conformation traits can affect cows’ suitability for sustained milk production.
21 October 2020
Learn more about where to handle live animals to assess conformation.
21 May 2020
In 2017, a group of Swaledale breeders from the North York Moors set out to improve the growth, confirmation and overall productivity of their hill wether lambs.
5 February 2025
Returns to sheep farmers can be improved by delivering a product that fits the customer's needs. This means deciding which market to target and making decisions based on that. This booklet aims to help producers understand market specifications and the factors that can effect carcase value and producer returns
19 June 2024
The way for sheep producers to maximise returns is to produce and sell the type of sheep buyers really want and are willing to pay for. This manual covers the key issues producers face when marketing prime lambs, from identifying target markets to selecting lambs to market
29 February 2024
To maximise their financial returns, beef producers need to produce and sell the type of finished cattle markets want. This manual gives an overview of the key elements to focus on to produce cattle that meet the needs of the target market as cost-effectively as possible