Contents tagged with beef

19 October 2021

Annual feed bills across the UK beef industry could be reduced by up to £12.5 million thanks to the development of new selection index tool that allow animals to be selected for feed efficiency.

15 October 2021

The latest edition of Ruminant News for cattle and sheep farmers is available to download now

15 September 2021

A virtual showcase of UK red meat is being held next week targeting three key export markets – including Mexico which has opened its doors to British pork for the first time.

13 September 2021

An analysis of the learning styles preferences of UK farmers, growers and industry stakeholders

3 September 2021

Find out when you should cull underperforming cows.

17 August 2021

Review of global levels of adoption of lean management in agricultural and horticultural businesses

3 September 2021

Learn how to make calving as successful as possible.

5 August 2021

Methane emissions for the inventory (AC0115)

14 January 2022

Optimising the use of nitrogen represents one of the major goals of sustainable livestock farming systems from both an economic and environmental standpoint

11 January 2022

Our latest outlook for the UK beef market is now online. Find out our forecasts for slaughter, production, consumption and trade for the rest of 2021 and beyond.

18 January 2022

This project was established to examine the validity of the age threshold of slaughter for quality beef production from beef cattle

27 September 2021

Learn how to select dairy beef cattle for slaughter, plus handling guidance to maintain the meat’s quality.
