Contents tagged with beef from grass
27 March 2020
Farmers who took part in the AHDB Beef and Lamb-funded project, Beef from Grass, have seen fantastic results through implementing rotational grazing into their systems, with some trialling outwintering.
19 March 2020
Join AHDB Beef and Lamb and Marc Jones, from ADAS, for a webinar discussing the findings of the beef from grass project.
5 November 2019
AHDB and Field Options Beef from Grass meeting, with a particular focus on fodder beet, kindly hosted by Andrew Crow at Cherrington Manor near Newport.
18 November 2019
If grass growth is not meeting animal demand, it’s important to take action. Read how to build up your grass covers in this section.
2 January 2025
Surplus grass usually starts to accumulate as grass growth peaks in May. In this section we explore different management options.
4 November 2024
High rainfall and poor soil conditions such as poaching are some of the things to consider when extending the grazing period.
15 September 2022
This section of our rotational grazing series for beef production will assist you in calculating a feed budget to meet stock requirements.
18 November 2019
Your grazing plan will change and adapt depending on the circumstances. Read how to tailor yours to maximise the performance of your herd off grass.
21 April 2020
Grazed grass is the highest quality feed on farm in spring. Read this section for guidance on how to achieve optimum utilisation.
19 October 2023
To introduce a new grazing system in the spring, planning must begin during the previous autumn.
19 November 2019
Grassland management is the key driver to increasing growth rates and stocking rate from grass.
19 November 2019
A successful grazing system depends on allocating good-quality grass to meet the animals' requirements.