Contents tagged with Weekly Market Report

30 January 2024

The use of dairy sexed semen has doubled in the last five years, according to our recent survey, with the last two years showing a marked increase

30 January 2024

So far this year, UK milk prices have tracked around £0.20 per kg of solids below the average of the main milk producing countries in the EU.

30 January 2024

Global milk supplies for 2019 are set to end up on a par with last year based on the latest forecasts.

25 June 2024

The milk production regions included are the EU-27, UK, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Combined, they account for more than 65% of global cow's milk production and around 80% of global exports of dairy products.

30 January 2024

The price has moved from $6.25-$7.25 to $6.55-$7.55 per kg milksolids (kgMS)

30 January 2024

Most recent survey shows a 0.4% reduction in dairy producers since March this year

30 January 2024

The milk surplus in Scotland is set to surpass 200m litres in 2019/20.

30 January 2024

From 18 October, approximately 75% of cheese and 93% of butter sent to the US from the EU will be subject to tariffs under the new regime.

30 January 2024

A look at the dairy markets and where they might go next

30 January 2024

Could the UK be self sufficient in mozzarella if trade is disrupted under a no-deal scenario?

11 November 2019

UK farm-gate milk prices have been slowly reducing over recent months. Here we look at the challenges facing the industry, which vary for different products and supply chains
