Research and Innovation

12 July 2024

Help us answer the most pressing questions facing growers of cereals and oilseeds.

5 July 2024

Discover how the Farmer Marketplace works and learn about recently pitched projects.

12 July 2024

Help us provide robust answers to the most pressing questions facing growers of cereals and oilseeds.

5 July 2024

Learn about an initiative that matches farmers with on-farm research opportunities.

20 February 2024

Bigger steps for smaller footprints towards climate-positive beef

15 December 2023

Learn how our strategic farmers use risk-based decisions to tackle crop threats

12 December 2023

How are strategic cereal farmers getting to grips with on-farm data?

21 August 2023

Find out how ammonia-harvesting technology is being used to reduce the environmental impact of ammonia emissions from livestock

7 June 2024

Latest industry communications for the Digital Grain Passport

21 April 2023

Attendees heard from early-career researchers working to improve the health and performance of livestock, six of whom are funded by AHDB

23 March 2023

AHDB sponsors BSAS and has been involved in shaping the programme, with representatives from our Livestock Science team playing pivotal roles over the course of the three-day conference.

10 March 2023

Understand how satellite technology can help you determine soil variability.
