23 June 2023
Sarah Smith of George Farm Vets tells us about the new Lantra-approved programme that aims to unite farm vets and hoof trimmers to improve mobility
23 June 2023
We talk to George Jones of Priory Vets in Cardigan, west Wales, about the steps that led to them offering a full foot trimming service for cows
21 June 2024
Improving genetics is the cheapest and most effective way to make long-term and permanent changes to a dairy herd’s performance
13 June 2023
The latest figures reveal a 20% reduction in antibiotic usage for treating pigs on farms in 2022.
30 May 2023
Do you want to understand more about integrating livestock in the arable rotation? This webinar will introduce the new venture of creating and managing a dairy beef enterprise and considers how it can be integrated with an existing arable and sheep enterprise. This is done through the use of herbal leys grown within a Countryside Stewardship Mid-Tier Agreement.
27 June 2023
Find out how both pigs and the environment can benefit from sowing grass cover mixes
9 May 2023
Jennifer Newman, AHDB's Animal Health & Welfare Scientist, has won the Animal Health, Agriculture and Food Supply category at the Antibiotic Guardian awards ceremony in London this week.
11 May 2023
What is the effect of supplementary milk withdrawal on pre-weaning creep consumption?
24 April 2023
Access to historical Real Welfare reports will cease on 19 May 2023
21 April 2023
Attendees heard from early-career researchers working to improve the health and performance of livestock, six of whom are funded by AHDB
17 April 2023
A leaflet produced by Signet services Ltd providing information on selecting recorded rams for carcase traits
17 May 2023
In this webinar, AHDB Beef & Lamb Monitor Farmer David Cross, who has recently established a new enterprise alongside Pathway Farming, will talk about the changes being made on his farm.