
7 March 2019

Midlands Pig Club: Christian Anderson, of Bedfordia Farms will talk herd performance and removing in-feed medication.

4 March 2019

Exeter pig club: The importance of nutrition; Maisie Lord from Cargill shares her thoughts.

28 February 2019

Fosseway Pig Discussion Group: Hear from Ian Gillies of Rattlerow Farms

20 February 2019

AHDB's Environment & Buildings team provide an update on changes to environmental legislation

11 March 2020

Lancashire Pig Discussion Group: AHDB health and welfare update

4 February 2019

Oxford Pig Club: Explore the management implications of hyperprolific sows with John Richardson

4 January 2019

Guidance about using alternative treatments from our Healthy Feet Programme to manage lameness and reduce antibiotic use in your herd.

18 December 2018

Managing feed for herd health, fertility and productivity will be the focus of an upcoming AHDB Dairy workshop held on 17 January.

13 December 2018

Antibiotic usage has never been a more important topic than it is today, which makes the findings of an AHDB Pork-sponsored Nuffield Farming Scholarship of great interest and importance to the agricultural sector.

3 December 2018

Pig producers are invited to enter their innovative ideas and examples of on-farm best practice into the EU PiG Grand Prix.

3 December 2018

A total of £1.3 million will be reinvested in the beef and lamb and pork sectors after the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) sold its carcase classification arm.

29 November 2018

Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland, usually caused by bacterial infection. It can present as subclinical infection or clinical disease, which can be acute (sudden, short-term) or chronic (long-term).
