
13 August 2019

The new Autumn and Spring Calving Indexes (£ACI and £SCI) are published today

12 September 2023

A tie for the number one position and three new entrants to the top 10 indicate the vibrancy in the Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) ranking for young genomic Holstein sires, which is published today.

12 September 2023

In a brand-new ranking dominated by US genetics, the Danish-bred Viking bull, VH Balisto Brook, rises to the top

18 November 2019

Your grazing plan will change and adapt depending on the circumstances. Read how to tailor yours to maximise the performance of your herd off grass.

19 November 2019

In this section of the rotational grazing system series for beef production we look at pre and post-grazing cover targets

21 April 2020

Grazed grass is the highest quality feed on farm in spring. Read this section for guidance on how to achieve optimum utilisation.

19 October 2023

To introduce a new grazing system in the spring, planning must begin during the previous autumn.

19 November 2019

Grassland management is the key driver to increasing growth rates and stocking rate from grass.

27 August 2019

How genomic testing can help you make more profit through genetic improvement and breeding efficiency

19 November 2019

A successful grazing system depends on allocating good-quality grass to meet the animals' requirements.

18 November 2019

Measuring grass is a crucial part of rotational grazing systems. We explore the various methods you can use.

19 November 2019

In this section of the rotational grazing system series for beef production, we look at setting up water supplies, and the benefits of tracks to reduce poaching.
