Livestock Nutrition

14 February 2019

The latest edition of The Bulletin is now available to download. Topics include nutrition, breeding, costings and more.

25 January 2019

Nutrient Management Guide RB209 updated with new guidance

19 March 2024

Nutrient management can often be forgotten on beef and sheep farms, yet there is considerable scope to reduce costs and improve output through the use of home-produced and bought-in nutrients. All crops need a good nutrient supply from the soil to grow and thrive. This updated manual looks at how feeding grass and forage crops properly with manufactured fertilisers or slurries and manures can boost growth.

7 March 2019

Midlands Pig Club: Christian Anderson, of Bedfordia Farms will talk herd performance and removing in-feed medication.

4 March 2019

Exeter pig club: The importance of nutrition; Maisie Lord from Cargill shares her thoughts.

18 December 2018

Managing feed for herd health, fertility and productivity will be the focus of an upcoming AHDB Dairy workshop held on 17 January.

14 November 2018

Mycotoxins are chemical compounds produced naturally by moulds which can cause toxicity in livestock. Mycotoxins can result in reduced yields, product rejection and lower animal productivity and health. This document presents the risk factors and management strategies to minimise the risk of mycotoxins in home-grown feedstuffs

5 November 2018

This factsheet includes examples of water contaminants and their sources, as well as potential counter-measures to address the source of contamination

19 October 2018

A lowering of RB209 phosphate offtake values for cereals could be justified, according to results from an AHDB-funded review.

5 November 2018

The R&D Review is a summary of some of the work the Beef & Lamb sector is carrying out on behalf of levy payers to help their businesses become more efficient and sustainable.

2 November 2018

Herbs such as forage chicory and plantain can be a source of highly nutritious feed for grazing livestock. Using these species can reduce reliance on concentrate feeds, which reduces production costs. This guide gives an overview of using chicory and plantain as forage crops for livestock production

12 August 2019

If managed well, grazed grass can supply all the needs of pregnantewes over winter. Careful forward planning and rationing can offerpotential savings of £15/ewe per winter. This document provides guidance on how to do this, developed from three years of on-farm demonstration work
