
2 May 2023

Join the Gloucester pig club to learn about pre-weaning piglet gut health

30 May 2023

Join the Exeter pig club to learn about pre-weaning piglet gut health

19 January 2023

Our tops tips for successful dairy calf weaning

1 March 2023

Ahead of the upcoming ban on zinc supplementation in pigs, we have completed research in conjunction with SAC Commercial Ltd. and the Pig Veterinary Society to review the options available to farmers.

7 December 2022

In-calf heifers have many demands as they continue to grow (at approximately 0.5 kg/day), as well as develop the calf, prepare for lactation and be ready to get back in calf for the following year.

7 December 2022

Acting as an online tool to help dairy, beef and sheep producers monitor and compare medicine use, the Medicine Hub was brought in to tackle the threat of antimicrobial resistance to the industry.

4 November 2022

Following a review of projects, tools and services, AHDB is unable to fund the Pig Health Scheme beyond 2022

30 November 2022

Looking at the latest guidance on managing lameness and footrot in your flock

30 September 2022

Use AHDB’s web-based husbandry advisory tool (WebHAT) to identify risks associated with tail biting.

10 November 2022

Pig clubs are back – join us to find out how a high-health, nucleus pig herd keeps disease out.

7 November 2022

Exeter pig club: find out how a high-health, nucleus pig herd keeps disease out

1 November 2022

Midlands pig club: find out how a high-health, nucleus pig herd keeps disease out
