
10 June 2021

Antibiotic prescribed to pigs on UK farms in 2020 fell by 5%, bringing the total reduction since 2015 to 62%

20 October 2023

Learn about some of the best suppliers of pig herd management software and understand how you can benefit from managing your pig herd more efficiently and effectively.

29 July 2021

Chris has made improvements in his soil health and has also worked hard over the last two years to improve how he manages his ewe lambs

14 July 2021

Steven has increased his farming business by more than double, now extending to 307ha of mixed ground. With no increase in full time labour and significant changes underway within the business, find out what he plans to do next.

13 July 2021

Making decisions on farm is rarely a simple process but our Beef & Lamb Strategic Farmer Richard Carruthers talks through the changes he has made since joining the Farm Excellence network.

7 July 2021

Since Neil joined the Farm Excellence network two years ago, one of his key focus areas has been to improve his grazing management.

25 May 2021

An overview of the Ruminant Health & Welfare survey results, priorities and how they’re going to be tackled.

20 May 2021

The fifth-year results from the RamCompare project reveal how rams with key breeding traits can drive productivity and optimise flock profitability.

17 June 2021

Discover how an integrated approach to parasite management can reduce and sometimes eliminate the need for wormers in cattle and sheep

11 May 2021

Find out how the acidification and fermentation of pig diets can improve the performance and gut health of your pigs.

11 May 2021

Find out how inert fibres can be used to improve the gut health of pigs

5 December 2023

There are two distinct respiratory syndromes – acute (calf or enzootic) pneumonia or chronic pneumonia.
