
10 December 2024

Stockperson Plus: Advanced breeding sow management

12 November 2024

Stockperson Plus: Advanced gilt management

3 September 2024

Harriet Bunning, AHDB’s Lead Animal Genetics Expert, shares the latest news on National Beef Evaluations.

3 April 2024

The latest AHDB-funded research, due for release this autumn, shows what the Dorset sheep breed has achieved in selecting for on-farm performance.

29 February 2024

Learn about progress with genomic estimated breeding values and feed intake in cattle

2 February 2024

The UK breeds sheep using world-leading terminal sire genetics and has some of the best tools for measuring and analysing sheep in the world. This booklet, produced by Signet Breeding Services, outlines how breeders can get involved with performance recording their flock and the tools available.

2 February 2024

The UK breeds sheep using world-leading terminal sire genetics and has some of the best tools for measuring and analysing sheep in the world. This booklet, produced by Signet Breeding Services, outlines how Dorset breeders can get involved with performance recording their flock and the tools available.

2 February 2024

The UK breeds sheep using world-leading terminal sire genetics and has some of the best tools for measuring and analysing sheep in the world. This booklet, produced by Signet Breeding Services, outlines how Hampshire Down breeders can get involved with performance recording their flock and the tools available.

2 February 2024

The UK breeds sheep using world-leading terminal sire genetics and has some of the best tools for measuring and analysing sheep in the world. This booklet, produced by Signet Breeding Services, outlines how Charollais breeders can get involved with performance recording their flock and the tools available.

2 February 2024

The UK breeds sheep using world-leading terminal sire genetics and has some of the best tools for measuring and analysing sheep in the world. This booklet, produced by Signet Breeding Services, outlines how Suffolk breeders can get involved with performance recording their flock and the tools available.

26 October 2023

Producers who ignore the genetics of fertility are missing the best opportunity they have for sustained and cost-effective improvements to the reproductive performance of their herds.

5 September 2023

Find out about the new estimated breeding values (EBVs) for sheep farmers
