
7 November 2022

Exeter pig club: find out how a high-health, nucleus pig herd keeps disease out

1 November 2022

Midlands pig club: find out how a high-health, nucleus pig herd keeps disease out

14 November 2022

Cornwall pig club: find out how a high-health, nucleus pig herd keeps disease out

15 November 2022

Gloucester pig club: find out how a high-health, nucleus pig herd keeps disease out

28 November 2022

Oxford pig club: find out how a high-health, nucleus pig herd keeps disease out

5 December 2022

Salisbury pig club: find out how a high-health, nucleus pig herd keeps disease out

15 December 2023

Liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) can have a devastating effect on the health and welfare of grazing livestock and historically, control has relied heavily on the routine blanket use of flukicide treatments. This manual has been created to outline good practice and sustainable control of liver fluke, to protect livestock from potential damage posed by liver fluke.

12 July 2024

September 2022: In response to the heightened risk that ASF poses to the UK, Defra has announced new legislation regarding the import of pork meat into the UK.

16 December 2022

Understand the differences between CCIR and the Pig Health Scheme and learn how you can use them to optimise the health and welfare of your pigs.

16 October 2023

A biosecurity checklist to remind yourself and your team of the simple things which could keep disease away from your pigs.

1 August 2022

The Red Tractor deadline for submitting Q2 (April – June) antibiotic data for pigs is 11 August 2022.

25 July 2022

An opportunity to gain an insight into the internal effects of parasite damage via demonstrations of sheep post-mortems.
