
13 August 2019

The new Autumn and Spring Calving Indexes (£ACI and £SCI) are published today

12 September 2023

A tie for the number one position and three new entrants to the top 10 indicate the vibrancy in the Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) ranking for young genomic Holstein sires, which is published today.

12 September 2023

In a brand-new ranking dominated by US genetics, the Danish-bred Viking bull, VH Balisto Brook, rises to the top

27 August 2019

How genomic testing can help you make more profit through genetic improvement and breeding efficiency

2 September 2019

Challenge Sheep results including body condition scores, lamb eight week weights and weaning weights

1 October 2019

Optimising lamb performance through nutrition and genetics

24 September 2019

Optimising performance through nutrition and breeding

29 August 2019

Optimising performance through nutrition and breeding

12 September 2019

Grazing spring calving suckler cows

17 July 2019

Using sexed semen in your dairy herd can help reduce rearing costs and increase potential profit.

11 September 2023

Lameness in dairy cows is set to reduce according to our latest data

27 October 2023

Our campaign to help consider your options about using sexed semen and make informed decisions.
