
11 January 2019

A new watercress marketing campaign is set to increase awareness and inspire a new audience of consumers to include it in their diet.

21 December 2018

A ban on the outdoor use of metaldehyde slug pellets is to be introduced across Great Britain from spring 2020.

8 December 2023

Found out about a network of traps providing regional information on aphid species and numbers.

12 March 2019

Celebrations are one of the most valuable types of meal, with shoppers willing to spend more for events

7 November 2018

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is looking to recruit up to 15 new board members across its six sectors.

15 October 2018

Data sought in response to proposed maximum residue levels changes

23 July 2019

From 2 April 2018 all farmers in England will need to meet new government rules to protect water quality.

27 February 2023

This web page hosts the latest guidance from the Weed Resistance Action Group (WRAG).

13 September 2018

Guidelines for the management of insecticide resistance in several key UK crops have been updated by the Insecticide Resistance Action Group (IRAG).

9 May 2024

This web page hosts the latest guidance from the Insecticide Resistance Action Group (IRAG). The 'Download' button provides background. Scroll down for guidance.

15 December 2020
