
1 November 2022

Following on from ‘Brexit Scenarios – an impact assessment’, which focused on how Brexit could impact farmers’ profit levels, we now turn to potential implications post-farmgate.

6 September 2018

AHDB commissioned this study to examine the impact of Brexit post-farmgate on the malting and milling industries, following feedback from levy payers on their earlier study ‘Brexit scenarios – an impact assessment’.

8 August 2018

This article by our Market Intelligence team looks into the impact of the heatwave on ewe feed usage.

8 August 2018

Insight into how the drought affects cattle feed usage.

18 October 2019

A new online calculator has been launched this week which will allow farmers and growers to see for the first time how they may be affected by potential Brexit scenarios.

3 June 2019

Brexit will provide Welsh agriculture and horticulture with both risks and opportunities so farmers and growers, as well as other parts of the supply chain, need to prepare now.

12 September 2018

Yn seiliedig ar rifynnau blaenorol o Horizon, mae’r adroddiad hwn yn canolbwyntio’n benodol ar beth fydd Brexit yn ei olygu i amaethyddiaeth a garddwriaeth yng Nghymru.

11 October 2018

Building on previous editions of Horizon, this report focuses specifically on what Brexit will mean for Welsh agriculture and horticulture.

2 October 2018

The nature of the future relationship that the UK government will seek to negotiate with the rest of the EU has not yet been defined, following the 23 June referendum decision to leave.

2 October 2018

The referendum decision on 23 June has raised a number of questions around the approach the UK Government(s) will take to areas of policy which were previously decided at EU level. One of these areas is trade.
