Beef & Lamb

2 November 2018

This review is a summary of some of the research carried out by AHDB Beef & Lamb on behalf of levy payers. The annual publication includes key findings from completed projects and updates on ongoing research.

19 June 2024

A manual for consultants, vets and producers. Good nutrition is fundamental to ewe performance through all stages of the production cycle, with nutrient requirements changing through the year. Cost-effective feeding systems that support optimum output are paramount to the profitability of a breeding flock. This guide will help you maximise grazed and conserved forage to ensure both minimal cost and optimal rumen function.

19 September 2018

Feed is a vitally important input to livestock production systems. It makes up the majority of variable costs and contributes to determining how well animals perform and the profitability of the system. This guide covers a range of feeds (excluding forages) that are suitable for beef and sheep rations

19 September 2018

This directory considers the options for growing forages on sheep and beef farms to help reduce reliance on purchased feeds. It can be used alongside the BRP Mini Feeds Directory which contains information about home-grown feeds such as grains and roots, as well as purchased feed options like co-products

5 November 2021

Diseases in the UK cattle industry account for huge losses and are a major welfare concern. This publication highlights some of the major conditions affecting the beef industry. It provides insight into the main symptoms and risk factors, alongside the most effective prevention and treatment protocols

16 April 2024

Commercial producers are increasingly taking a more informed approach to breeding and seeing the benefits of looking deeper into an animal’s background before purchase, using data to make informed purchasing decisions rather than buying on looks alone. This manual provides an insight on how to use Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) when looking to purchase a ram.

17 September 2018

Following this year’s challenging weather conditions, AHDB Beef & Lamb are partnering with Teagasc for a series of workshops to help sheep farmers reduce impact on the 2019 lamb crop.

10 September 2018

Beef and sheep farms are needed for a new project which will help farmers across Great Britain improve management of their grassland.

22 September 2023

Find information on arable rotation in livestock – forage crops, cover crops and more.

10 September 2018

More than 15 million sheep graze on England’s green and pleasant lands and as Love Lamb Week begins, data has revealed the areas and counties in which most flocks are based.

22 August 2019

18 September 2018
