Cereals & Oilseeds

31 October 2022

Drought feed and fodder

13 December 2023

This article looks at how the UK retail landscape has changed over the years to meet changing consumer needs.

6 December 2023

Support and advice from farming charities

17 August 2018

Despite additional hectares of straw being made available by cereal growers, there is still likely to be a shortage due to lower yields and an increased requirement for feeding. This factsheet explains the importance of assessing your straw needs and planning for any deficit.

12 March 2019

Two in five people are intending to increase the number of meals they cook from scratch. What's holding them back?

30 August 2018

Chinese cereal buyers have made a special visit to the UK to explore new opportunities for importing wheat and barley into China.

30 August 2018

AHDB has announced plans to invest up to £60,000 to improve understanding of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) risk in cereals

30 August 2018

An innovative set of trials has helped farmers test the accuracy of nitrogen (N) management in their winter wheat crops

11 July 2024

The GB fertiliser price series aims to increase transparency in the market and help levy payers understand price trends for a key input. The prices cover the most commonly used products: ammonium nitrate (UK produced and imported), liquid nitrogen (UAN), granular urea, potash and phosphates.

23 October 2023

We've caught up with more of our Farm Excellence network to find out more about the impact the hot weather is having on the farms.
