Cereals & Oilseeds

16 November 2022

A flexible variety trialling system that looks beyond headline yields is required by growers and users of cereals and oilseeds in the UK.

7 March 2024

Get up an running with Farmbench in just a few steps

9 October 2023

We take the privacy and security of your personal and commercial information very seriously.

29 April 2024

AHDB's latest edition of Horizon cuts through the uncertain policy environment to provide insight into what lies ahead for agricultural commodities markets.

4 December 2018

More than 100 forward-thinking arable farmers from across AHDB’s Monitor Farm network gathered for 24 hours last month to address the topic of resilience.

30 November 2018

The areas sown to wheat, winter barley and oats in Britain have all increased compared with 2017/18, according to AHDB’s Early Bird Survey.

7 May 2019

This outlook is based on the latest data available, combining feedback and insight from contacts across the agri-food industry with AHDB sector specialists’ expertise. What follows is an examination of the factors affecting different sectors. Whether you’re using it for business planning, aiming to understand the market dynamics or just interested in a flavour of what agriculture faces in the year ahead, I hope you find this publication useful and informative.

8 March 2019

With Christmas round the corner, AHDB has released a new podcast looking at what consumers will be looking out for in the shops this year and what farmers are doing to prepare for the change to come in the New Year.

28 November 2018

The sometimes thorny subject of succession planning will be the focus of the next Morayshire Monitor Farm meeting on Tuesday 4 December.

14 December 2023

The world is changing, and so is growing

28 November 2018

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has sent a letter asking for producers currently (or thinking about) exporting products of animal origin (POAO) to the EU to get in contact with them by 12 December.

21 August 2024

Inform government’s review of the shortage occupation list
