Beef & Lamb

16 November 2018

Our old favourites burgers and bangers were the winners of this year’s barbecue season.

16 November 2018

A report on the number cattle vaccines sold in the UK between 2011 and 2017 - split by disease: BVD, IBR, Leptospirosis, calf enteritis and Pneumonia

12 March 2019

Hottest summer on record?

14 November 2018

Mycotoxins are chemical compounds produced naturally by moulds which can cause toxicity in livestock. Mycotoxins can result in reduced yields, product rejection and lower animal productivity and health. This document presents the risk factors and management strategies to minimise the risk of mycotoxins in home-grown feedstuffs

18 July 2022

Mastitis can result in loss of udder function, reduced milk yield and quality, and premature culling or death. Estimates suggest that it costs the UK sheep industry more than £120 million per year. This publication gives sheep farmers a detailed overview of the disease and how to treat it

14 November 2018

Keeping cattle on an outdoor pad can improve animal health and welfare, reduce damage to pasture and reduce costs. However, any effluent draining from a pad represents a high risk of diffuse water pollution. This document help farmers understand the potential risks and the guidelines that should be followed

14 November 2018

Fencing is a crucial element of managed grazing, as it provides the ability to control where the livestock eat. While it does not suit every systerm, electric fencing can be cost-effective and flexible. This document provides detailed information on using electric fencing for livestock farmers

14 November 2018

Once-bred heifers need careful management to ensure they are at the correct weight at bulling and allowed to gain weight during pregnancy without becoming over-fat. This guide is designed to help beef producers manage once-bred heifers on farm

14 November 2018

The running of efficient, productive cows that thrive within the farm’s specific environment, while making the most of the available resources, is vital. This document examines the issues related to suckler cow performance so that producers can develop the right female replacements for their system

23 November 2018

Half of shoppers are flexible about what meat they buy, giving retailers a chance to influence their choices, according to research commissioned by AHDB.

15 October 2019

What really drives consumers to buy particular products? We explore pre- and in-store influences across different meats, cuts and shopper missions; guiding retailer and producer strategies to improve category performance.

27 November 2019

The value of the eating-out market is nearly as big as retail, highlighting its importance to understand as a category. Find out about market performance, with a deep dive on proteins, and wider category trends.
