Beef & Lamb

22 July 2020

Join AHDB and Dr Luppo Diepenbroek, Independent consultant, for a webinar on outwintering cattle.

22 September 2020

Implications for trade and producers

20 July 2020

Lockdown has led to a surge in interest in consumers buying direct from suppliers, including food boxes and meal kits.

30 July 2020

This Table Tallk event will be promoting the launch of the Monitor Farm Programme and will provide details on what it is like to be part of the Farm Excellence network.

27 July 2020

'I've enjoyed the professional criticism as well as the constructive criticism. It's been a really steep learning curve.'

27 July 2020

'You'll get incredible support and this goes a long way to making a successful business.'

27 July 2020

'You'll make some great friends from around the country who are open-minded and progressive as well.'
